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chakra crystals by Crystal Rock Emorium

$7.90 + $3.38 shipping

A set of seven genuine gemstones specially chosen for their individual properties and their alignment to the seven chakras. They bring enlightenment, and empowerment to body, mind and spirit. 

The chakras are the centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. Each of the 7 chakras represents a physical, emotional or mental state, helping to enrich one's spirit and well-being The chakra stones are used to balance the chakras on a daily basis and to enhance chakra healing. 

you can place these stones on each energy centre to create harmony and equilibrium in the energy flow and chakras, or hold them during meditation to feel their energy. To reinforce the crystals energy, you can carry one in your pocket or purse. 
Each set comes packaged in its own velour carrying pouch. An accompanying information card provides complete description of each of the 7 Chakras. Also included are detailed crystal programming and Cleansing Instructions. 
Approximate Size: .75" - 1" at its widest points, but the stones size, color and shape can vary slightly, since gemstones are created naturally, and each one is unique. Please expect slight variations

The seven stones hand-selected for this CHAKRA BALANCING Set:

Root Chakra - Red Jasper

Sacral Chakra - Carnelian

Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine

Heart Charka - Green Aventurine

Throat Chakra - Sodalite

Third Eye (Brow) Chakra - Amethyst
Crown Chakra - Clear Quartz

Root Chakra - Red Jasper

For energy, strength, stamina, spiritual grounding

  • a strong spiritual grounding vibration, and resonates within the lower three chakras... the sacral, base and earth chakras.Its action takes the energy from the base chakra and grounds it to Mother Gaia. It creates a strong connection to the earth and this is very helpful for emotional equilibrium and spiritual grounding.It gives deep insight into personal difficulties and gives you a strong sense of stability. This stone is also a powerful aid to the process of raising the kundalini.
  • extremely protective stone

Where does it come from
This Red stone has been found in a large number of locations... including India, Russia, Brazil, Germany, France and the USA.
The color of Red Jasper stones will of course be red, in a range of shades.
The darker reddish-brown colors are more common, but the color of any type of Jasper will be mixed. Most stones have one color that is more dominant than the others.

Why would you use it
Red Jasper Stone has a strong and even vibration... that works slowly and gradually. It is primarily a earth star chakra and base or root chakra stone... but it has quite a few excellent qualities that stimulate the sacral chakra. Generally it is a stone to give overall assistance to everyone, as it stimulates increased energy, strength and stamina.

One of its interesting and powerful attributes is its ability to aid you to right injustices. It provides you with a deeper insight into difficulties... and helps you to solve them as they occur. It may aid you to set boundaries, and it will help you to calm your emotions.

How will it help you

  • If you are using magical practices, this stone will help you, as it will return magic created negative energy back to its place of origin. Red Jasper stone increases life force or pranic energy, and will stabilize the aura as it creates a better energy flow within your energy field.

  • It has many strong healing attributes, within the sacral or navel chakra. It aids healing within the liver, and may assist you to detoxify, as well as healing blockages in the bile ducts.
  • To enhance your ability to recall your dreams, keep one of these red stones under your pillow at night. It is also quite beneficial to activate andenhance your creativity.
  • It may improve your endurance... and is very helpful for healing any dysfunctions within the procreative area of the body. It is a strong stone for pregnant women to use, as it helps the fetal growth to be strong and robust.
  • If you feel that your sexuality is unbalanced... or have wide swings in your interest... this stone may help you. If you have had any negative sexual experiences in the past... or ones that you feel guilty about, this stone will help you to release any shame associated with the experience. It will also assist anyone who has any sexual dysfunctions... including impotence.
  • Keeping Red Jasper jewelry on your body is beneficial helpful for anyone with scattered energy to become more centered and balanced. Wear this stone if you can, as it is beneficial to have on you as you attempt to make sense of life's challenges.
  • Holding worry stones or worry beads in your hand will help to soothe your upset feelings. If you are doing any type of hard physical exercise... this stone will help to generate muscle tissue and will be a support to both the respiratory and circulatory systems.
  • extremely protective stone, 
  • rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy
  • brings problems to light and provides insight into difficult situations
  • an excellent "worry bead" calms the emotions
  • aids in dream recall
  • cleans and stabilizes the aura
  • strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver
  • grounding to earth chakra
  • aid you to remain centered and feeling stable emotionally
  • gives you strength and energy
  • allows you to be centered and balanced

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